Prickly Pear Wildlife

Roof rats are not to be confused with its sewer-dwelling cousin, the Norway rat. The roof rat is a nimble acrobat of the rafters, a midnight marathon runner on your roof shingles. While their nocturnal adventures may go unnoticed, their presence can spell trouble for your home. But fear not, this guide will help you learn more about these rodents including how to identify you have a problem, tips to limit the risk to your home, and how Prickly Pear can help you secure your home from their aerial assault as well as repair the damage from roof rats. 

Roof Rat Rundown

These rascally rodents are estimated to number in the millions across the United States, with warm, humid regions being their preferred playground. From the balmy breezes of Florida to the sun-soaked shores of California, roof rats thrive in the southern half of the country but can be found throughout the US. In fact, the population has exploded in the past decade as we have seen roof rat colonies growing in the midwest and the north while norway rats population has remained stable. This has resulted in cities and governments being forced to get into population management as we attempt to get this growing problem under control. 

Their name gives away their game: roof rats are most active at night, using their excellent climbing skills to navigate the highest points of your property. They’re omnivores, with a keen appetite for fruits, seeds, and yes, even your pet’s kibble. But here’s the shocker: roof rats can even survive on minimal water intake, making them unwelcome guests in even the driest of attics. Further these rats are frantic chewers and can fit into the smallest holes so once they find a way in, they will gnaw at the opening until they can squeeze into your home. 

Fun Fact: Did you know roof rats can jump and climb vertically up to 10 feet? That’s like a human scaling a three-story building!

Signs of Roof Rat Residency

Unfortunately, their nocturnal habits make roof rats stealthy and many homeowners go months before noticing the uninvited house guests.Homeowners should be vigilant for the following signs though, as early identification can reduce the damage and make it faster/easier to take your home back from these squatters. 

  • The Pitter-Patter of Tiny Feet: Hear unexplained scratching or scurrying noises coming from your attic or walls? That could be the sound of tiny tippy-tapping toes as these rats move throughout your home (typically traveling under insulation and along wiring).
  • Droppings Detectives: Unearth small, dark droppings (about the size of a grain of rice) in your attic, cabinets, or drawers? Those might be calling cards from your unwanted roof rat roommates.
  • Gnaw Marks of Doom: Roof rats love to gnaw on wires, insulation, and even wood. Check for telltale tooth marks on suspicious-looking materials.

Breeding Bonanza

Roof rats are prolific procreators, with a breeding season that can stretch year-round in warm climates (like central Texas). A single female can produce up to six litters a year, with each litter containing an average of five to eight pups. That’s a recipe for a rodent revolution in your attic with the numbers growing at near exponential rates. 

Fun Fact: Most often when a homeowner reports finding snakes in and around their home, it is a sign of a rodent problem. Solving the rodent issue almost always resolves snake issues. 

The Prickly Pear Process

How does Prickly Pear evict these roof-loving rodents? We attack the issue across multiple points at the same time. 

First, we harden the home, known in the industry as “exclusion”. Our team has been specially trained to think like a rodent and can quickly identify active and future entry points. Our team will work with you to understand the potential problems and come up with a plan specific to your home and problem.

  • Seal Up the Cracks: Roof rats are skilled at squeezing through tiny openings. Our team will inspect your roof, foundation, and exterior walls for any potential entry points and seal them. 
  • Harden Soft Building Material: If a roof rat has chewed through shingles, fascia, soffit, or other parts of your home, our team has the skills necessary to repair the damage with materials that the rodent can’t or won’t chew. 
  • Secure the Vents: Homes need to breathe and the newer the home, the more important ventilation is. However, the desire to keep costs down results in choosing ventilation material that is too soft to protect from rodents. Our team will ensure the ventilation continues to work, but we make it animal proof with purpose built materials. 

Second, we make your home less inviting to the rodent. 

  • Tidy Up the Trash: Roof rats are drawn to easy pickings. Store garbage in sealed containers and avoid leaving pet food bowls out overnight.
  • Secure Common Food Sources: Bird seed, dog food, and of course your kitchen all give great food sources to roof rats. Prickly Pear will look at all of these and make recommendations on ways to prevent rodent access. 

Finally, We reduce the population. 

  • Set Traps: When we find a roof rat infestation, we will utilize a variety of traps baited to match this populations food source. This is often the fastest and most effective way to reduce the population quickly. 
  • Add Bait Boxes: We place discrete boxes at strategic points around your home on the “rodent roadways”. As the roof rat travels, they will run into these boxes, sample the bait and continue on their journey. Over time, the rat eats enough bait that it passes away. 


Roof rats may be rascals, but with a little knowledge and some preventative measures, you can keep them off your roof and out of your home. So, put down the cheese (it’s not the best bait for roof rats anyway) and take a look around your home. Remember, a vigilant homeowner is a roof rat’s worst nightmare! If you find some evidence, give Prickly Pear a call, we can help. 

Bonus Tip: Roof rats are smart animals that learn over time. Effective treatment of a rat issue should leverage a variety of tools, techniques, and technology to solve a rat infestation as quickly as possible. 

High definition image of a roof rats hanging out on a gutter.